Monday, July 9, 2012

After having been encouraged to leave a support group, getting kicked off a Facebook page and being unfriended, I cannot help but come to the conclusion that I am the most polarizing person I know.

I make no effort, it comes quite naturally.  I am told by members of my family that I like to "play the devil's advocate".  If that is what people like to call "trying to make people think about their views" I suppose it is an accurate statement on who I am.  But truly, I do enjoy making people think and examine the way they view the world.  I think it is very important, and I think that people in general have become to complacent.  People are willing to believe the first convincing story they hear but do not think to be skeptical about the facts involved.  To me, this is a dangerous way for society to develop.  It is what I see all around me.  And so I say things, piss people off and jolt them out of their comfort zone.  At this point, I feel it is my calling in life.

I do make a sincere effort to be tactful when I attempt to inspire thought, something I am incredibly poor at.  I decided today that I would (more for the sake of my personal sanity) begin this blog and post how I feel about people and what I think about things without any filters.  It will be interesting to see if I can achieve this level of brutal honesty because it will insult my own sensitivities based on how I was raised.  But, never the less I plan to try.

So there it is.  Is my goal here to insult anyone?  Probably not, though I may say some things that are insulting and unflattering.  For this reason I am not naming names or revealing any information that I believe will lead back to anyone.  Again, this is for me.

Why would I do this?  In reality I am an intensely sensitive person and I always have been.  I have accidentally left a long string of insulted people in my wake.  It is never my intention to hurt anyone's feelings - being so easily hurt has made me adverse to bringing harm to anyone.  But it has happened and regularly due to my choice of words, the look on my face or my tone of voice.  This is mostly because I am Autistic and because I posses a larger than average vocabulary.  But it is also because people are by nature intolerant and reactive.  I hope bringing out my real feelings in an anonymous setting will help me in my dealings in the future.